I originally began this blog with the purpose of sharing our adoption journey. It started back in 2007 with Frank and I filling out the paperwork and getting on the list to wait. Then it was a waiting game. What we didn't expect was the miracle of our little girl, Reese. So in 2009 we were put on hold on the list (no one was able to see our file or choose us to adopt their child). We were okay with this - we knew we would need the year or so after she was born before we were ready to welcome another child into our home. And so, when this past January came around we were getting ready to update our home study and be made active again. Then . . . . we found out I was pregnant again. This time Frank and I both knew what this would mean. It would mean being put on hold until, at least, our little guy turned 1. However, this time when communicating back and forth with our contact at the adoption agency (Who is wonderful, by the way! This kind woman has been super encouraging throughout it all and has been nothing but honest with us!) we were asked a tough question. Would we consider pulling out until we are truly ready to go through with the adoption? I want to tell you, this was a hard question to take. We'd been going through this process for 4 years now and we both truly believe that the Lord would have us to adopt. But we also recognized how the Lord's been answering our prayers throughout the past years as well. At each time we were to update our paperwork, I got pregnant. It happened with Reese and it happened with this little one. So we took a lot of time to talk, PRAY and consider what was best. Not just for us, but also for the other families who are waiting and longing for their forever child.
So with heavy hearts we agreed to pull out of the adoption process. We are still open to adopting and will be following the Lord's leading. We are so thankful for the children that the Lord has given us and we pray that one day we'll be able to add one more - one who is waiting right now for us as we are for them. Thank you for following along with us and supporting us as we began and now end (for the time being) this part of our journey.
We love you all!!